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Are you lonely? Are you sad and tired of staying at home on a Saturday night? Do you need to be held and loved? You are probably tired of going out on pointless dates that will never go anywhere! So, instead of asking your friend for that blind date, maybe you will go ahead and do some blind date-searching of your own. So what is your result? Internet romance right ….WRONG!!!!!
Like Paige stated in her blog on “The Second Life” websites like eharmony.com and Match.com have been becoming very popular during the last few years because so many “lonely” people are going on these sites for answers to their loneliness and seeking love. Although you may visit these sites and finally have someone steal your heart, they can also be stealing your money.
According to CNN, Julia Abrantes from Atlanta,Georgia, claims she had been cleaning her house and getting herself all dolled up for hours. She goes to the airport to finally meet and pick up the love of her life….but he never showed! She said her heart was broken, where was the love of her life?? Answer: SPENDING HER MONEY!!!
Patrich Giocolo runs RomanceScams.org; she claims that Julia Abrante isn’t alon
e in the case of
romance scams, because she too has been a victim. Giocolo tells the story of how she went on a dating site and met a man she was getting along with beautifully. They began speaking on the phone and he told her he had to fly to Ghana to build roads. She found this a bit odd, but did her research and she did find that there were bids going on in Ghana to build roads, so that was cleared up. He then claimed that his workboots were stolen, so Giocolo sent him a brand new pair including $500. The next phone call, he had requested another $500, she hesitated a bit because she was tight on money herself, and therefore she only sent $150. He then said he had
gotten into an accident and asked for more money. By this point Giocolo had gotten a funny feeling in her stomach and while researching, she literally stumbled on a website on romance scammers. Some of these sites show pictures of past scammers, and Giocolo saw hers. He heart sank and she was devastated, everything had been a complete lie!!! All that money down the drain, and she was left with nothing. No love and a broken heart, including a hole in her pocket.
These websites give you great tips on noticing a scammer and a database where you can locate them. All these women including Julia Abrantes from Georgia claimed that have learned their lessons. I always think that any of the “love matching” sites are completely bogus and just want your money because they know how desperate people can be! So before you go out searching for dates online, just trust that friend and go on that blind date, hey, you never know it can probably work. And FYI ladies, if you see that by the end of that diner date it won’t be going anywhere, the one who will have the hole in the pocket will be him and not you! Hahahaa!!
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