In today's class, Dr. Daniels presented a video called "Did you know?" It was basically a statistical wrap up from the last 20 years or so. It was a "Youtube" presentation, all words and some visual graphics that dealt with the predictions of human life and knowledge within the next 30-40 years. Also the comparing the population of the United States with India and China....which completely blew me away, because America can at times have a "cocky" attitude. In otherwords thinking that we have the best technology and no one can stand next to us, however after seeing the numbers of HONOR students in India compared to the TOTAL amount of children in the U.S., made me see that America has to step their game up! I knew China was higher in technology and knowledge wise because our goods usually come from them, but India really surprised me. That is awesome, their knowledge is really advanced and it puts us at competition. There were also predictions of the human species and computers within the next couple of years, how a computer will have 2x the knowledge! THATS INSANE!!! The use of text messages and cell phones have doubled and will now continue to TRIPLE as the years come along. The link will be attached to this post and I suggest you to see it, if you haven't! You will see how advanced everything things are and how in depth technology and knowledge will become. I have no more words because it completely blew me away. All I can say is that...AMERICA BETTER GET READY!!!!
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Image Found on Flickr
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL9Wu2kWwSY (length 4:42)
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