So we all know how relationships can be a bit difficult at times. And we know that arguments tend to always occur when in a relationship and hope that i wouldn't get top severe. A relationship such as a marriage can have may rocky moments, as you can read about on my fellow classmate's blog Divorces within the family. As she write about divorces in families and how it can affect others and also the importance of the decision making at all. It's usually based on the fights and misunderstandings the couple may conquer. Abuse is a very delicate case that many women go through, but may never report it and continue suffering, or they come forth in fear. However, it will always take that one celebrity to bring the abuse case to life. As another classmate writes about the celebrity gossips in our present time in her blogs of Are Celebrities Human?. The case of Chris Brown and Rihanna is major at the moment, as Chris Brown is being accused of hitting Rihanna. Now many abuse cases and coming forth and domestic abuse is now being closely looked at and taken more seriously. However, we always hope that relationship or marriage arguments ever escalate to abuse, but this isn't always the case.
According to CNN, Davon Crawford, 30, of Ohio was being searched for by police. Apparently he was being accused of killing his family members this past week. It is assumed that Crawford had gotten into an argument with his newly wife Lechea Crawford when it turned violent, resulting in numerous deaths. It is believed that Mrs. Crawford and Mr. Crawford were having a heated argument and it escalated heavily. Davon Crawford then, takes out a gun and kills his own wife, her sister Rose Stevens and 3 of her young children, of 5 years old and twins, 2 years old. Two other children ages 7 and 12 were wounded but managed to escape and are being treated for. After police received a call, then quickly began a search to the building Crawford lived at. The whole area was surrounded by police, then entered to confront Crawford. They found him hiding in his bathroom, when Crawford saw police he immediatley shot himself taking his own life. As of now, speculaiton leads to an argument gone wrong as evidence doesn't conclude to a clear cause. The wounded children are being taken cared for and now await on what will happen next.
This is too funny. I just recently wrote one of my blogs about a man killing his family and himself too, but it wasn't the same one. Is life really that horrible? Obviously he knew he did wrong or he wouldn't have killed himself. People are insane these days! I also saw that I was a link in your blog, made me happy! Good blog:)