All cultures have different beliefs and values. Some have certain customs that others find offensive and don't agree with. For example, there is a culture where having more than one wife is acceptable, when in many others, only ONE wife is permitted. I come from a Hispanic culture and strict parents. Our customs are pretty much in tact with how many people go about their ways. My culture loves the entertainment world, and an artist is usually praised when they come from our background. I am a performer myself; a singer, my family and friends praise him because they believe it's a joyous trait to have and to express. A sin to us would be committing a crime, breaking the law or acting again society's norms.
Spinner.com reports popular pakistani singer, Ayman Udas, was murdered by her own brothers. She was well known in her countries and always broadcasted throughout the counrty on television. She was loved and had many fans. However, her family disapproved her career and television apperances because they sought it to be sinful. On a night that she home alone, her brothers broke into her home and shot her three times in the chest. She had a husband of only ten days, and two children.

If her family really against committing sin, how is murder not sinful?? This is a complete tragedy that is hard to grasp. Is the family supposed to support you and motivate you? Aren't they only ones who are supposed to trust??? I can understand that cultures have different beliefs, but the customs in this family goes against all morals! You can watch her videos here.
(image found here)
Wow!!!! I can not believe I just read that. Your right people do have different cultural beliefs but no culture has the right to kill someone because of reasons like this. I find this horrible and I believe that people who even believe he is right should be punished. This is definately outragous!!!