Sunday, March 15, 2009

Baby sitters in sex act

Image from
The majority of our Americans confide in daycares and babysitters for the care they child needs while they are away at work for the day.At times, families leave it up to our wonderful technology to look for babysitters that would fall under the family's budget, or look for ads in the newspapers. Or the usual a neighborhood day care where it is very familiar to the community and to other families with similar situations.
According to the Associate Press, Stephan Quick and Samantha Light ran a baby sitting service from their home. They had apparently been video taping themselves performing sexual acts on infants as young as 2 months old, up to children as old as 6. This is all came about when a 3 year old daughter told their parents that Quick and Light had touched her in the "wrong places". These parents immediately made a call to police. Police searched Quick and Light's home, computers and video cameras, learning to find video tapes of these performances and kiddie porn on their computers. They have no history of crimes, but are being held in custody.
This is such a disturbing story, because for many parents, this rings up many questions and concerns. They will start not to trust all those around them with their children and brings a great amount of stress to the family.


  1. This is a very disturbing post, I never thought about it but people really don't know what they are getting into when they hire babysitters off of websites such as craiglist. It's sad to hear that those people were doing these disgusting things to innocent little children.

  2. Hi Nilsa
    You are absolutely right about the craiglist comment. Anyone can post anything up on that website, which always makes me second guess when I look certain things up on the site. I'm actually glad that the little girl spoke up and wasn't afraid of what "mommy and daddy" would think. It just shows how important a background check is for all these parents. I hope this message get out!!

  3. First of all, no one should be on the internet trying to find someone to babysit their children. It should come between family and friends. Two, this is very disturbing. I do babysit and awful lot and can't even imagine what goes through these people's minds. Hopefully the message does get out and people come to their senses!
